Tahteh with maleh
Rinse the fish many times to get rid of the salt stored in. bring to a boil for 30 minutes. Drain and then wash well to remove the dirt, the skin and the spines.
Rinse the fish many times to get rid of the salt stored in. bring to a boil for 30 minutes. Drain and then wash well to remove the dirt, the skin and the spines.
Heat oil in a large pot, then put the deer into. Turn it upside down many times until it changes color. Add onions, garlic and spices. Then move the content many times for 10 minutes.
mix the marinade ingredients, then soak the chicken pieces in for 5 hours or more. Store the marinade
in the regrigerator.
Heat the onions and garlic in oil then add the fish and stir on medium heat for 5 minutes then add the spices, lime, parsley and coriander.
Stir well then add the broth and leave for 15 minutes.
Spice 2 pieces of chicken with 2 cups of yoghurt, ¼ tablespoons of curry, black pepper, turmeric, Danat Biryani spice, some salt and chopped dill, parsley and coriander
Sautee 4 minced onions, 2 tablespoons of minced garlic
Add 1 kilogram of meat cubes
Mince 1 kg of chicken breast with 3 onions, 3 garlic cloves, parsley, coriander, dill, red pepper, & 1/3rd a cup of corn flour
Spice the mixture with some Danat meat pepper, black &red pepper and some salt to taste
Boil 1 chicken with Danat spices & 1 onion, 2 chicken stock cubes
Remove the chicken and add to it ½ tablespoon of ginger, meat spices, shredded ginger, lemon, and black pepper
Mince 4 onions and mix with saffron, olives and pickles
Spice with black pepper, oregano, paprika and meat pepper
Add the onion and garlic to the pan containing some oil
Once sautéed, place the meat, and potatoes