Ingredients for chicken marinade:
⦁ 2 kilo chicken pieces
⦁ 1 tbsp garlic with ginger
⦁ salt to taste
⦁ 1/2 cup of lemon juice
⦁ 2 cups of yogurt
⦁ 1 tbsp of each turmeric and tandoori powder
Sauce ingredients:
⦁ 1/4 medium butter
⦁ 2 tbsp of red pepper
⦁ 2 tbsp of curry
⦁ 3 Tomatoes, peeled and minced
⦁ 3 tbsp tomato paste
⦁ 1 tbsp garlic with ginger
⦁ salt and green pepper to taste
⦁ 1/2 cup of water
⦁ 1 tbsp from each grain: mustard, cumin and coriander
⦁ 1 cup of whipping cream mixed with 1/2 cup of water
1- mix the marinade ingredients, then soak the chicken pieces in for 5 hours or more. Store the marinade
in the regrigerator.
2- Pour the pieces with the marinade in an oven pan, then place in a moderate oven for an hour.
3- To prepare the sauce: combine tomatoes, garlic, tomato paste, ginger, salt, chili pepper and water.
4- Crush the grains of cumin and coriander then fry with butter next to mustard grains. Add chicken
with its mixture, then pour the prepared sauce over. leave the content over moderate heat for 10
minutes, then sprinkle with red pepper and curry. Stir a bit.
5- pour the whipping cream over, and let the content simmer over low heat for 10 minutes.
Decorate with coriander (on the top) and serve.